Prostitution & Public Indecency No Excuses, Just Results.

Prostitution & Public Indecency Lawyers in Chicago

Legal Professionals You Can Trust

Everyone who has ever been accused of a crime in the United States of America is entitled to a fair trial, according to our Constitution. Here at Quintana Law Group, LLC, our team is dedicated to upholding this right, which is why we are ready to represent and defend anyone who has been charged with soliciting or engaging in prostitution, as well as owning or managing a business of prostitution. Whether this charge is against in-person solicitation or online advertising, we can aggressively defend your case. Alternatively, if you have been accused of public indecency, we can also seek to resolve your case in court.

Because law enforcement officials, jury members, and judges are all human, they are prone to error and bias. In this delicate arena, you can trust our prostitution and public indecency attorneys in Chicago to serve your case with full determination.

Contact us nowif you are looking to find a team that is committed to answering your queries related to prostitution or public indecency.

Charges of Indecent Exposure or Public Indecency in Illinois

According to 720 ILCS 5/11-30 of Illinois law, law enforcement may charge anyone of public indecency and exposure if that person is over the age of 17.

The two acts which count as exposure include:

  • Sexually penetrating a person or an object, or engaging in any sexual conduct, within a public place
  • Lewdly showing parts of one’s body to satisfy or arouse the sexual desire of one’s self or other people, within a public place

The problem with these categorizations is that they are very vague and broad, and are entirely dependent on the bias of the individual law enforcement official. While breastfeeding one’s child in public view is not a legal offense, a police officer might interpret it that way. Alternatively, if someone is urinating in a public place, two officers might have different beliefs of whether it counts as having “lewd intentions.”

Moreover, the phrase “a public place” is extremely open to interpretation, since many areas could be counted as being in the view of other people, even if there was no one else around. A knowledgeable lawyer is crucial to explain why your case was legal and even innocent.

Penalties for Prostitution

The penalties for prostitution are extremely high, even if you are charged with a mere misdemeanor. Those who are convicted with a first-time prostitution offense, or a Class A Misdemeanor, still can face up to one year of incarceration, rigorously upheld probation, and $2,500 in fines. Those convicted of committing a felony for prostitution, meaning they have been charged repeatedly, or were accused of engaging in the crime near a school, can spend up to three years of imprisonment, undergo probation, and pay $25,000 in fines.

This is why it is essential for our Chicago prostitution lawyers to be by your side. You will need someone uniquely knowledgeable not just in criminal defense, but in those related to sex crimes.

Call us today at 630-566-2042 or contact us online so the Quintana Law Group, LLC can help you obtain the justice you deserve.

What to Expect While working with us

  • Over $140 Million Won in Settlements
  • Spanish Speaking Legal Services
  • Nearly Two Decades of Experience
  • Tailored Legal Representation

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    Mr. Quintana went above and beyond for my cases and it showed in the extremely favorable outcomes.

    “I highly recommend Martin Quintana and his team! There is no one else I would have to represent me and no one I could trust with more than Martin.”

    - Christian A.
    Martin and his team are extremely professional and responsive.

    “I've personally known Martin for years and would highly recommend him and his firm.”

    - Tony M.
    Martin is the most professional person.

    “He will never leave you alone. They take you by the hand until your case is closed and a plus is bilingual for all our Latin people.”

    - Andres B.
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